A very Happy New Year to you. I hope you had a peaceful and happy Christmas. As is tradition, the blog is looking forward to some of the interior design directions that have been catching my eye for 2024. On the list are some sweet feel-good colourways, new designers, bespoke muralists and antiques. And just when we need it most, high street stores have arrived like the cavalry with some terrific design to layer up our homes.
Continue reading “Interior design directions 2024”Tag: Ham Interiors
The Arrival of Spring 2021
The blog’s 2021 interiors predictions drop today with a particularly optimistic spring in their step. The only slight hiccup is which title to give the post. A descriptive ‘Interior Design Directions for Spring 2021’ could work, as could ‘Sea Change’ or ‘Reset’ but that has already been taken. What hits the blog spot nicely though is the title for David Hockney’s forthcoming exhibition at The Royal Academy in London. Here then is the blog’s Arrival of Spring 2021.
Continue reading “The Arrival of Spring 2021”